Most people don't even know why they should have sex often. Sex is not just the act, it is the connection, the chemistry, the passion between the both parties. And not just how long you last in bed... It is how you connect with your partner...with your heart of acceptance and trust. The sight of what you see in their eyes, The smell of their fragrance, The touch of your partner's skin and the warmth that comes with it, The feel and the sound of their heart beat, and their voice whispers, moans, pants and screams. Words and voices of you both... All are part of making love.. If the above, isn't in place...My guy, You're not having sex. And because of that, you're not getting the real health benefits of sex. W HY DO WE HAVE SEX?
1) We have sex to improve our health.
2) We have sex to be happier(good sex makes you feel good about yourself)
3) We have sex boost our emotional well-being.
4) We have sex Because we are humans and we are expected to get nourished through sex.
5) We have sex to improve our intimate relationship.
6) We have sex to bond and get closer to our partner, physically (the attraction and gestures), Spiritually(for our souls to work as one. Emotionally (to increase how much we feel for each other).
7) We have sex because that's the best way to procreate.
8) We have sex because that's why God created Love and Marriage in the first place.
Sex is Magic, Sex is Food, Sex + Love = Highest Power.
Stop feeling guilty about sex, stop being ashamed to have sex. Sex isn't a Sin.
Allow yourself to enjoy sex, set your soul, mind and body free while having sex.
When was the last time you embraced your partner?
I don't mean holding each other while sleeping... I mean embracing each other,
standing for at least 5 mins, not doing anything, just saying nice things to
each other with your eyes shut, breathing on each other.
Couples must do this to each other often, 5 -10 MINUTES!
Not a minute less.... And you'll see the big change and the difference.
Sex is not something you use against each other to gain or manipulate your partner.
Have sex whether you feel like it or not, have sex whether you're angry or not.
Have More Sex, Spice it up... Your love life!
Bond together and live Happily Always.
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