Hello Golden! Long post alert!!! Anonymous pls, straight to why am writing you. I need your prompt response on this... So there's this guy I met at my cousins place! September 2017. Nigga is ALL IN ONE!!! Dark skinned, Muscular, full beards, tall and jaw-droppingly cute! Like 6" 3-4 tall. OMG! I was stunned ..this guy is my dream man but as a 'Normal' Lagos babe(shakara full ground) I didn't say shit to him...we only exchanged pleasantries, told him he looked good and that was it. I was meant to stay, there for a week cos my parents were out if town and I need company, so I packed to go meet cousin! Plus he stays very close to my office. The cute friend was also staying for the weekend. Lucky me yh? We got talking....he actually seemed like a perfect gentleman (in my head I was already planning marriage) lol. He left on Sunday and we continued our friendship on social media.(WhatsApp cos we exchanged contacts). I'm 27 and he's 30 by the...