How To Flirt Without Pissing her off Flirting is fun but it can be hard to know where the line is. You never want to come across as creepy. Here’s some insight into how a woman thinks about flirting to help you flirt better without creeping her out. David Dryden Henningsen, professor at Northern Illinois University identified that there are 6 motivations behind flirting: Sex (trying to get into bed with someone) Fun (treating it like a sport) Exploring (trying to see what it would be like to be in a relationship) Relational (trying to increase the intimacy of a relationship) Esteem (Increasing one’s own self-esteem) Instrumental (trying to get something from the other person) In Henningsen’s study, he asked 101 women and 99 men what a hypothetical flirty conversation would look like and what he found was that men tended to have sexual motivations; whereas, women were motivated to flirt for relational reasons—to increase intimacy. Intimacy is defined as a close f...